Reach Your 2019 Goals
Let's be honest, every single year we claim that "this is the year we reach our goals", but then the end of december comes, and you are nowhere near your goals. I decided that halfway through december I was tired of how often this keeps happening, and that I wanted to see what I could change, and implement into my life that will really help me to succeed in reaching my goals. Here are some of the products and ideas that I found, that may really help me get to where I want to be. •Get a desk• This is actually the desk that once we move into our house, I will be ordering. Before we moved, my tiny desk was in the middle of the living room, and honestly just became a catch all for any junk I didn't have a place for. I never actually used it because it just wasn't very functional. •Buy a Planner• This is a pretty obvious one, but literally every single year I buy a planner, and I really do use it. This year, though, I really wanted to change it up. In...