Two Under Two...
It's been so long since I've last written a post, and that reason being, is that we have had SO many changes these last few months, that I didn't even know where to begin. So I figured we should start from the most exciting and dramatic change happening. Skye is finally going to be a big sister! After two back to back miscarriages in under a year, we are having a very healthy pregnancy! We are currently at 19 weeks, and this baby GIRL is growing perfectly! She is super active, and so far has given me a break with the constant morning sickness. We honestly weren't sure if we were ever going to have another successful pregnancy, and we are to unbelievably grateful for this one. If you've been around my blog for a while, you know that we suffered our first miscarriage after having Skye, in early November of 2017. What I didn't share was the news of our second miscarriage shortly after that in March of 2018. After not being sure if we were going to try again for a...