Two Under Two...

It's been so long since I've last written a post, and that reason being, is that we have had SO many changes these last few months, that I didn't even know where to begin. So I figured we should start from the most exciting and dramatic change happening. Skye is finally going to be a big sister! After two back to back miscarriages in under a year, we are having a very healthy pregnancy! We are currently at 19 weeks, and this baby GIRL is growing perfectly! She is super active, and so far has given me a break with the constant morning sickness. We honestly weren't sure if we were ever going to have another successful pregnancy, and we are to unbelievably grateful for this one.
If you've been around my blog for a while, you know that we suffered our first miscarriage after having Skye, in early November of 2017. What I didn't share was the news of our second miscarriage shortly after that in March of 2018. After not being sure if we were going to try again for at least another year, we found out that I was Pregnant again in July. Immediately I was put on progesterone, and have had a healthy pregnancy since.
Now that we are less scared of being excited for this sweet baby, we are starting to realize that having two under two, is not going to be a walk in the park. Skye is definitely turning into a Twonager; and so far does not like other kids. While I know a lot of her behaviours are just something that comes with being an almost two year old, we are definitely struggling with ways to help her understand what is okay, and what isn't. The idea of adding in a newborn is definitely causing me some anxiety.
What we've also had to factor in, is that she is living in a completely new place. We moved from a decent sized house in NC, to one bedroom in California. She no longer has her own room to sleep/play in, and she can't just run free in our large front yard. Us transitioning her into her own bed has come to a screeching halt, and we've even taken some steps back in that area. She has her own bed in our room, but she would rather be in bed with momma and dadda (which is understandable), than in her bed all by herself.
Another thing she is adjusting to, is being home with Andrew all day, instead of me. I've gone back to working full time, which has been super hard on me (probably harder on me than her if we're being completely honest). She has a little more freedom with dad, and is outside a lot more. But I've definitely noticed some behaviour changes with her as well. She is a lot more independent, but also chooses not to listen more often now. She used to take "no" for what it was, but now throws herself to the ground if she's told no. She is 100% just learning, and testing her boundaries, but I honestly had no clue a 19 mo could have such an attitude already.

Now, I have no clue how she is going handle us bringing home another baby, but I'm obviously hoping she will surprise us and take it perfectly well. Though I know that is a long shot, but it would be nice, right? As anxious as this change makes us, we're also so excited for this change. Having two little girls running around is unbelievably exciting for me, I thought finding out it was a second girl was going to terrify me; and while it does in a way worry me, it makes me so happy to think into the future. 


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