Baby Products I Didn't Find Essential...

There are sooooo many different "Must Have" baby products out there, but to be 100% honest, only a hand full of them are really essential. I've posted my Top Five Baby Essentials, now here are some of the not so essential items that everyone tells you to register for or buy.

Diaper Pail

My husband and I decided that we weren't going to invest in a diaper pail for our daughter for one simple reason, it's not needed. It is so much cheaper to buy a smaller trashcan with a lid, and some scented trash bags. We saw no reason to buy a $60 diaper pail, that we would have to buy the refills for. Honestly our method has worked great so far, and there is no stink!

Changing Table

We actually do have one of these, and the only time it is ever really used is in the middle of the night. If we are being honest, half of the time I change her on a changing pad on the floor, or on our bed (judge me, but I'm not quite ready to get out of bed first thing in the morning, or at 3am). I know some people love their changing tables, but for us it just isn't essential.

Baby Shoes

I know, I know, But they are really are not very practical. We actually do have a few pairs of baby shoes, and I do put them on her every once in a while. We actually were gifted a couple pairs, and I love to put them on her. But let's be real, SHE CAN'T WALK. There is literally no reason to buy baby shoes, other than for how cute they are. They are more of a hassle than anything. They constantly are kicked off or lost, and can be a pain to get on in the first place.

Baby Laundry Detergent

We we're given some baby laundry detergent (a SUPER thoughtful gift tbh), but we honestly just use the free and clear laundry soap we used before. While it's nice to have your baby's clothing smelling like, well babies, it's not needed. There is no reason to wash your baby's clothes in fragrance, especially with how sensitive their skin can be.

Wipe Warmer

While I'm not going to lie, I did want one for the first couple weeks after I had Skye, It just wasn't worth it to go buy one. Skye would cry the second the wipe would touch her little bum, but she got over it in just a couple weeks. She barely even notices, and even cracks a smile or two now. I would say definitely save the money, when all it's going to do is fix something for the first couple weeks.
I know plenty of people who bought them, and never even use them.


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