Meet Our Little Family...
Andrew and Michaela
Andrew and I met in 2010, started dating in February of 2014, and got married in December of 2014. In March of 2015 we moved into our first house together, and in August of 2016 we bought our first home. We are both originally from California, but Andrew is Active Duty in the USMC, so we currently live in North Carolina. We have both grown to love it here, and don't plan on moving back to California. Andrew is currently 21, and was born in November. I'm currently 20 and was born in December.
Brinks is our 110 lbs. Pit-Mastiff mix, who loves to take naps, eat, and get belly rubs. Brinks was actually my dog before Andrew and I even started dating. He just turned 4 years old, and is finally out of his "puppy stage". His favorite treat is Peanut Butter, and he hates the bath more than anything. He loves walks, but gets tired after walking to the end of the street.
Shadow is our crazy, energetic, curious little Lab and Border Collie mix that we adopted last year. She absolutely loves to chase any bug, bird, squirrel, shadow, or leaf that happens to move anywhere that she can see it. Her favorite part of the day is when Andrew comes home from work. She loves to eat ice cubes, and annoys her older brother Brinks whenever she gets the chance.
The newest and biggest addition to our little family is our beautiful little girl, Skye Marie.
On March 7th at 8:12pm, exactly 1 week after her due date, she came into our world weighing a whopping 8lbs. 12oz., with a full head of beautiful dark hair. She loves to suck on her daddies finger, and loves to get cuddles from her momma first thing in the morning. Every morning after she wakes up we lay in bed and snuggle after she is done nursing, and she coo's and smiles while I talk to her. Weekends are our favorite because then daddy gets to be there too. We love this little monkey more than we ever thought possible!
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