My Labor and Delievery Story...
Skye was originally due on February 28th, but she wasn't quite ready to come out yet lol. At my last OB appointment I was only at 3 1/2 cm., so they went ahead and scheduled my induction for when I would be exactly 41 weeks.
At about 6:15 am on March 7th, they decided to break my water.
They started getting me hooked up to the IV, took my blood, everything they needed for me to be ready for the next 12 hours.
By 8:15 they had started me on Pitocin, unfortunately I hadn't progressed any on my own since they had broken my water. I really wanted to go into labor naturally, and not have any pain medication.
Now let me tell you, if you have never been induced, those contractions are no joke. When the nurse was giving me the Pitocin, she gave me very little, and my contractions took off. They didn't even give me a full dose. Of course me being me, I didn't want an epidural, so I got the pleasure of experiencing these contractions in their fullest. Now if you are debating on whether or not to get an epidural, I don't want to really sway your opinion. I'm still very glad I stuck by what I wanted without getting one, but there is nothing wrong with getting one. Honestly I think the whole experience would have been a lot more enjoyable if I had gotten one.
If you are not planning on getting an epidural, I really suggest making sure you have an amazing support system with you, Not only did I have Andrew in the room, but I also had both of our moms in the room as well. I honestly don't think I could have handled those contractions without Andrew being there. He really helped a ton, just by letting me lean into him. He stood by me all twelve hours of my labor. Besides the 20 minutes he took to go get food (I made him take a break, and go eat.). Excuse my face in this picture, but when I say he stood by me throughout my whole labor, He literally STOOD next to me the whole time.
After 9 hours of almost constant contractions, finally dilating to 8 centimeters I decided I needed some sort of pain relief. I was taking FOREVER to dilate any further, and I was feeling the strong urge to push. It literally took everything I had in me not to push. I decided on getting something similar to the epidural, but it wasn't nearly as strong, and it definitely didn't last as long.
After I was finally at 10 cm, They started me with some practice pushes, and after 20 min. they decided it was really time to push.
Another 20 minutes later, at 8:12pm, our beautiful baby girl had made her entrance into our world.
Weighing a whopping 8lbs. 12oz. and 21 in long.
She is so beyond perfect, and I couldn't imagine life without her. While my labor and delivery didn't go as planned, it was still an amazing experience. Either way we still got our baby girl out of it, and as much as it wasn't going the way we planned, she is so beyond worth it.
At about 6:15 am on March 7th, they decided to break my water.
They started getting me hooked up to the IV, took my blood, everything they needed for me to be ready for the next 12 hours.
By 8:15 they had started me on Pitocin, unfortunately I hadn't progressed any on my own since they had broken my water. I really wanted to go into labor naturally, and not have any pain medication.
Now let me tell you, if you have never been induced, those contractions are no joke. When the nurse was giving me the Pitocin, she gave me very little, and my contractions took off. They didn't even give me a full dose. Of course me being me, I didn't want an epidural, so I got the pleasure of experiencing these contractions in their fullest. Now if you are debating on whether or not to get an epidural, I don't want to really sway your opinion. I'm still very glad I stuck by what I wanted without getting one, but there is nothing wrong with getting one. Honestly I think the whole experience would have been a lot more enjoyable if I had gotten one.
If you are not planning on getting an epidural, I really suggest making sure you have an amazing support system with you, Not only did I have Andrew in the room, but I also had both of our moms in the room as well. I honestly don't think I could have handled those contractions without Andrew being there. He really helped a ton, just by letting me lean into him. He stood by me all twelve hours of my labor. Besides the 20 minutes he took to go get food (I made him take a break, and go eat.). Excuse my face in this picture, but when I say he stood by me throughout my whole labor, He literally STOOD next to me the whole time.
After 9 hours of almost constant contractions, finally dilating to 8 centimeters I decided I needed some sort of pain relief. I was taking FOREVER to dilate any further, and I was feeling the strong urge to push. It literally took everything I had in me not to push. I decided on getting something similar to the epidural, but it wasn't nearly as strong, and it definitely didn't last as long.
After I was finally at 10 cm, They started me with some practice pushes, and after 20 min. they decided it was really time to push.
Another 20 minutes later, at 8:12pm, our beautiful baby girl had made her entrance into our world.
Weighing a whopping 8lbs. 12oz. and 21 in long.
She is so beyond perfect, and I couldn't imagine life without her. While my labor and delivery didn't go as planned, it was still an amazing experience. Either way we still got our baby girl out of it, and as much as it wasn't going the way we planned, she is so beyond worth it.
Skye Marie
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