You've Got This...

We've all had those moments where all you can think is "How on earth am I supposed to handle this?". I know I've thought this exact thing a million times. Some times life is hitting you with one hard ball after another, and all you want to do is give up. But I promise you, this will all pass. With this promise though, comes an unfortunate truth, there will always be something after this.  There will always be another time where you think you cant handle the situation you're in.

"This Too Shall Pass" I'm sure you've heard this before, and it's true, everything will pass. Whether you're struggling with being a mom, or school work is getting to be too much, or you are having relationship issues, everything will pass. Maybe it wont be in the way that you wanted, but everything happens the way it does for a reason. Life is tough, if it weren't what would be the point?
If you feel the need to vent, do it. Don't feel like you're putting someone else out, if its what you need to do to get through what you're going through, than do it. If you don't have anyone to talk to, write it in a journal. I can't begin to explain how much writing in a journal has helped me. I prefer to physically write in a journal, versus typing, it's actually very therapeutic.

Life is going to give you challenges, it's going to be rough, you're going to want to cry; but its going to be okay. I love the saying "It's not a bad life, it's just a bad day", because it's true. This life was given to you to live it, and the challenges and struggles you will go through, are just another thing you have to go through to get to the better parts of your life. I wish we could only have good parts in life, but at the same time, the rough parts give you experience's and build your character. You wouldn't be who you are today if you hadn't gone through all of your trials.

Don't worry, you've got this.


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