How To Be More Productive Everyday

Create a Routine

Creating a routine is one of the most effective ways to boost, or maintain your productivity. It can help you to get into "Work Mode", and you'll eventually get so used to getting work done during that time that it will become natural. Having a routine also guarantees that you have the time to get what you need done. 

Get a Planner

Using a planner to map out your upcoming deadlines and activities, can act as a reminder for when you have extra time. It also helps serve as a schedule and can be an essential piece in keeping your routine on track. I personally just love to write down what I need to get done, or have coming up. It helps me to remember a lot of things and relieves a lot of anxiety. 

Make Time For YOU

Making "me" time is something I still struggle with. I know it's important; but with an almost two year old, a husband three dogs, and a baby on the way, I often forget to make time for me. I've definitely noticed a change in my motivation to get things done when I have had time to relax, or do something I enjoy. Now when I say "Me" time I don't mean going to hang out with a friend, or doing something for me while being with anybody. "Me" time means being by myself doing something I enjoy, and not thinking about anything that has been a stressor in my life recently. I love to take a long bath, catch up on a tv series/ youtube videos, with a new candle, and my favorite drink/snack; typically followed by laying in bed by myself and watching Friends. If I haven't made this time for myself, I definitely start to slack on everything else. 

Create Deadlines

I've found that if I have a deadline for something, I am more likely to get it done in a timely manner. Now if you own your own business, it may be in your best interest to hire some sort of manager for yourself. This will make you more likely to adhere to the deadlines you have chosen; whereas without someone to hold yourself accountable, you may end up pushing those deadlines out.  

Have a Goal 

Giving yourself an end goal, gives you something to work towards. If you're just continually working with no end goal, or "reward" you are less likely to be productive. You'll become less motivated, and there won't really be a point to working so hard. Having a goal, gives you the motivation to keep work, and be productive. Everytime you take a step closer to your goal, you get more and more excited or motivated to achieve that goal.

A Support System

Having people behind you that support your goals in life, are priceless. Whether you need their help with something, or just their encouragement; having the support will help you to be more motivated to achieve that goal. Not to mention the excitement they will have for you when you do achieve your goal. They'll be there to congratulate, and celebrate with you!

Wake Up Early

Whether you have kid or not, it's proven that people are more productive when they get up early. Waking up early gives you the time you need to get yourself ready for the day, without making you feel like time is against you. At the end of the day, after you've been up since the early morning, you'll feel so accomplished. Of course the initial feeling after turning off your first (if you're anything like me, first of many) alarms, makes you wonder if it's really worth it to get up earlier than you absolutely have to; but it is. 

Get Ready

Get dressed, eat a decent breakfast, put your makeup on and do your hair. Whatever it is that you do to get yourself ready for the day; do it. You'll be less likely to crawl back into bed, or just lounge around the house. Getting myself ready early in the morning, whether I have to leave the house anytime soon or not, always makes me feel more like a person, and more productive.

Listen To Motivational Podcasts

Let's face it, some days we just can't muster up the motivation or will power to do the things we need to get done. That's okay. It's human. Does that mean we can just gve up on trying to do anything? No. Listen to some music, or a podcast; and get it together. If I just gave up everytime I didn't feel like going to work, or cleaning the house, etc. nothing would get done. Everyday I'd give up on trying to be productive. I turn on a great podcast, or one of my favorite youtube vloggers, and I find some motivation. 

Reward Yourself 

On days where you really struggled to be motivated, but you still managed to get things done; reward yourself. Go out to dinner, get some ice cream, order something you've been wanting off amazon. Most peoples goals, aren't things they can reach within a short time frame; so in the mean time, reward yourself with smaller things to keep yourself going. When you continuously work and push yourself towards a goal, but aren't reaching it as quickly as you'd like; you can drain yourself. You will start to feel like you'll never reach that goal. Give yourself the rewards you deserve when things have been especially rough, it'll completely boost your motivation! 


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